It appears that when you build a model railway layout you have to give the places on it names.
My layout now has two stations, so I have decided to call them Nittingham Central and Woollen Halt. These are mainly Midland Region but may get occasional visitors from other regions, usually with football specials. The names are derived from the other use of the bedroom which is the storeroom for ‘Glytknits’ (Soft scarves and knitted goods) that Glynis has started to make to sell at local flea markets.
Station 2 only has access to platform 2 at the moment and Station 1 has no access at all until I construct an underpass to the planned car park.
The bridge at Station 2 is based on a Scalescenes bridge that did not fit, so it is now heavily cut about and modified for this location. Any amateurism in the build is due to the fact I am a complete novice at kit building and have never tried scratch building before.