Tuesday 15 October 2024

The 00 Layout now departing bed 5

Well, not quite. but I have decided that in view of the number of times I had to climb under the table to resolve issues that happened at the back of the layout, this layout has to go to be replaced by an end to end layout running round three sides of the room.

Previous attempts at a lifting section were unsuccessful so everythin has to go while I build a new layout.

Stage one is to clear the space in the room.

There's a lot to do here! watchthis space.

Friday 11 October 2024

The track laying is complete, and because this will be DC not DCC I need to wire it up in segments so I can isolate sections when I don't want the trains in them to move.

Here is a picture of the layout and wiring so far. I hope it works.

Work has slowed down at present as I have more important issues to deal with, but I hope to carry on at some time later this year.