Sunday, 29 January 2012

A wall for the brewery yard.

Making a wall for the brewery yard

Take a piece of 4mm foamboard and cut to the length and height required, 24mm = 6ft tall wall.

Buy some Superquick Brick paper, cover both sides of the wall with the paper.

Buy some 4mm plastic rods, cut into lengths of approx. 2.5cm

Usin a 4mm drill in your fingers create holes from the bottom edge of the wall to about half way up, push the plastic rod in to the hole but do not glue at the stage.

Holding the wall in its position on the baseboard, mark the baseboard at the points where the rods are located.

Remove the rods from the wall.

Drill holes through the baseboard with the 4mm drill. Push the rods into the holes, they should be a tight fit.

Fill the holes in the wall with glue, Put the wall back on the rods and push it down til it sits flush with the baseboard.

Using thin Card cut out a 5mm wide coping stone for the wall. Mark it off in 6mm lengths with a pencil, then shade the whole piece of card in grey with the pencil. Smudge the pencil slightly.

Stick the coping on top of the wall and hey presto..the finished wall.

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